SBS got Criticized After Wrong Write 'Wanna City' As 'WINNER City'
SBS has been heavily criticized by fans of WINNER's boy group. When the Wanna One reality show title was first announced, many fans of WINNER group boys were not happy.

Because the title of the program titled 'Wanna City', which is not much different from the name 'WINNER City' if written in Hangul letters.

The situation is getting worse, because WINNER itself has offended the title controversy by writing, "No matter what, Winner City still has us," in a recent posting on the official Instagram account.

Now the thing that fans fear is happening, as SBS wrongly wrote the title 'Wanna City' to 'WINNER City' on their official website. So many WINNER fans expressed anger at SBS, because of the misstatement. How do you respond to the controversy involving the name WINNER and Wanna One? (
SBS got Criticized After Wrong Write 'Wanna City' As 'WINNER City'

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