Super Junior's Shindong Said that Siwon Want to Become a Politician? - - Breaking K-pop News, Videos, Photos and Celebrity Gossip

Oct 13, 2019

Super Junior's Shindong Said that Siwon Want to Become a Politician?

Super Junior's Shindong Said that Siwon Want to Become a Politician?
Super Junior's Shindong surprised everyone when he said that Siwon wanted to become a politician. This was revealed by the Super Junior members when present in the latest episode of 'Knowing Brother' which aired on Saturday (12/10).

At that time Super Junior members discussed the style changes they showed for their comeback with 'SUPER Clap'.

Eunhyuk said, "I don't know about the others, but I asked my hairdresser so that I myself can look the most striking."

But unlike other members, Siwon instead uses a more traditional hair style. Shindong then explained, "He wants to be a politician in the future. No matter what our concept, he definitely wants a hairstyle like that."

Hearing Shindong's comment, Siwon immediately quickly denied, "That's not true. He just said that."

Super Junior itself is scheduled to have a comeback with the music video 'SUPER Clap' and the full album 'Time_Slip' on October 14, 2019. (

Super Junior's Shindong Said that Siwon Want to Become a Politician?

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