TVXQ's Changmin Officially Married Today, Congratulations! - - Breaking K-pop News, Videos, Photos and Celebrity Gossip

Oct 25, 2020

TVXQ's Changmin Officially Married Today, Congratulations!

TVXQ's Changmin Officially Married Today, Congratulations!
After being delayed, TVXQ's Changmin finally held his wedding reception today. Changmin and his future wife with non-celebrity status held a private wedding reception on Sunday (10/25).

Previously, this wedding reception would be held on September 5th, but it had to be postponed because at that time there was an increase in COVID-19 cases in Seoul.

Changmin is known to have first announced his love affair in December 2019, before finally announcing that he would marry his girlfriend in June 2020 through a letter.

Changmin is now officially the first married member of the boy group TVXQ. Congratulations to Changmin and wife! (

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