BTS's Jin Gives This Statement When Asked About HYBE - - Breaking K-pop News, Videos, Photos and Celebrity Gossip

Sep 25, 2024

BTS's Jin Gives This Statement When Asked About HYBE

BTS's Jin Gives This Statement When Asked About HYBE
Kim Seokjin, a name that is very familiar to those of you who love Kpop music, especially ARMY. The oldest member, who is currently busy with several schedules, is always making new breakthroughs.

Starting from him being the Olympic robot driver to filling in several events and becoming a guest star at the event. Not only that, the man who is familiarly called Jin BTS also has his own show called RUN Seokjin.

Several episodes have been released, and to be precise yesterday the latest episode was released again. Inviting Seok Jin who is also one of the presenters of Running Man episode 7 which was successfully broadcast.

They played several games together, and seemed to really enjoy the game. Playing while talking is what they did, until finally Jin BTS was asked by the guest star.

"Do you know where we are hyung?" Jin asked, "of course you know, we are at HYBE," answered Seok Jin.

"What is HYBE?" Jin asked again, "isn't that an abbreviation for High five?" , "what kind of joke is that?" Jin laughed.

"What does HYBE mean?" Seok Jin asked, making Jin laugh. Jin, who is known to always speak frankly and savagely, answered "Its just HYBE. it's not short for anything," greeted by laughter from both of them. (

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