Preparing For a Comeback, Park Yoochun Announces The Release of New Album - - Breaking K-pop News, Videos, Photos and Celebrity Gossip

Aug 1, 2020

Preparing For a Comeback, Park Yoochun Announces The Release of New Album

Preparing For a Comeback, Park Yoochun Announces The Release of New Album
Park Yoochun will again greet his fans through the release of a new album. On Friday (07/31), Park Yoochun shared the latest post on his personal Instagram account, announcing that he was preparing to comeback to the entertainment industry by releasing a new album.

In his post, Yoochun also announced that he would hold a fansign event and a mini concert in Thailand.

"Hello. I'm here to deliver good news to fans who have been waiting a long time for Park Yoochun's album. Right now I'm preparing an album and will soon welcome you with a good album. Also, I plan to hold fansign events and mini concerts in Thailand so please give them lots of love and attention. Further details can be found through The Number Nine. Thank you."

Are you impatient waiting for Park Yoochun's comeback? (

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