Bang Si Hyuk Looks Fatter, Korean Netizens Were Worried - - Breaking K-pop News, Videos, Photos and Celebrity Gossip

Oct 30, 2019

Bang Si Hyuk Looks Fatter, Korean Netizens Were Worried

Bang Si Hyuk Looks Fatter, Korean Netizens Were Worried
Korean netizens later claimed they were worried about Bang Si Hyuk's health condition. This Big Hit Entertainment boss has just attended the closing concert 'Love Yourself' BTS which was held in Seoul on October 29 yesterday.

While attending the concert, Bang Si Hyuk appeared to be surrounded by many officers who guarded him.

But the netizen's spotlight was Bang Si Hyuk's body which looked much fatter than before. So many Korean netizens claim to be worried about his health condition. Like the comments of Korean netizens on the Nate website:

"His health seems to be in danger. He should start taking care of himself, at least his own health, "

"Is there a problem with his health? He did look fat when starring in 'Birth of a Great Star', but never this fat,"

"It looks like Bang Si Hyuk's weight has increased,"

"He did get a lot of money but he could lose his own life without getting the opportunity to spend the money,"

"You're already rich now, please take care of your health too,"

"Geez, he should pay attention to his own health. It looks very bad,"
and many other netizens' comments are concerned. (

Bang Si Hyuk Looks Fatter, Korean Netizens Were Worried

Bang Si Hyuk Looks Fatter, Korean Netizens Were Worried

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