Former JYP's trainee, Kim Eun Suh said Sunmi and Jeon Somi Not Good At Singing?
Because of her statement, former JYP Entertainment trainee's Kim Eun Suh later became controversial until she issued an apology.

Trainees who also had time to participate in survival programs such as "SIXTEEN" and "Idol School" were found writing comments on the video of Jeon Somi while covering the song "Gashina’ by Sunmi which later became a controversy through her personal Facebook account.

In her commentary, Kim Eun Suh wrote, "For the first time, I realized that Sunmi was a good singer." Her comments clearly target both Sunmi and Jeon Somi by indirectly claiming that the two singers have been seen as not good at singing.

After many criticisms which then led to her, the former JYP trainee later wrote an apology for the controversy that was caused while giving clarification.

"Hello, this is Kim Eun Suh.

I realized what was happening through the catch of my screen was sent through DM, and I also saw posts in the community. I wrote late because I had to check everything.

I want to say that the account that made the comment is not the account that I use myself. My friends created a side account to use with me because I came to Seoul as a trainee participant, and could not contact anyone who did not have a telephone number. I use that account sometimes to send messages to some friends who live at home.

My friends are not trainees, but they cannot use SNS accounts for personal reasons so they change names in accounts or use images on my Instagram.

I think the problematic comments were written not by me, but by a friend when the account had my name and photo. I know very well that there are many people who don't know me, but I'm broadcasting, so I know I have to be careful, and making such comments in a public place is like suicide.

After talking with my friends, we decided to delete the problem account. I will no longer use Facebook or Messenger, and I will be more careful and contemplate making sure things like this don't happen again.

That is a situation where it is easily misinterpreted, and it's my fault for not being able to prevent things like this from happening. I want to apologize to Sunmi-sunbaenim, Jeon So Mi, who trained with me, and everyone who was hurt by what happened.

I'm sorry. "

Former JYP's trainee, Kim Eun Suh said Sunmi and Jeon Somi Not Good At Singing?

안녕하세요 김은서입니다. 디엠으로 보내주신 캡처 사진으로 상황을 파악하고 이후 해당 커뮤니티에 올라온 내용도 직접 확인하고 글을 올리느라 늦은 시간에 글을 올립니다. 우선 논란의 그 댓글 계정은 제가 혼자 쓰는 계정이 아닙니다. 연습생 생활을 위해 서울로 올라와 전화번호가 없는 친구들과 연락되지 않는 저를 위하여 친구들이 함께 사용하는 페이스북 가계정 비밀번호를 알려주었습니다. 그리고 저는 그 계정을 고향에 사는 몇몇 친구들을 찾아 메시지를 하는데만 가끔 이용했었습니다. 다른 친구들은 연습생은 아니지만 각자 개인 사정으로 인해 본인 이름으로 sns를 사용할 수 없어 무작위로 이름을 바꾸거나 제 이름과 인스타에 올라온 사진을 사용했었습니다. 논란의 댓글은 제 이름과 사진을 프로필로 했을 시기에 제가 아닌 다른 친구가 게재한 것으로 보입니다. 저를 모르는 분들도 많지만 그래도 방송을 통해 얼굴을 비췄었기에 매사에 조심해야함을 누구보다 잘 알고, 그렇게 공개적인 곳에 댓글을 올린다는 것은 제게는 자살행위나 마찬가지입니다. 오해의 소지가 있었던 계정은 친구들과 상의 후 탈퇴하기로 결정하였습니다. 저는 페이스북과 페이스북 메시지 사용을 오늘부로 중지할 것이며 더 이상 이런 불미스러운 일이 없도록 더욱 주의하고 반성하겠습니다. 정황상 오해의 소지가 충분했고 이런 일을 미연에 확실히 방지하지 못한 것은 저의 불찰입니다. 이렇게 선미 선배님과 같은 연습생 동기였던 전소미 친구, 그리고 이 사건으로 상처받으신 많은 분들께 이 자리를 빌어 정말 죄송하다고 말씀드리고 싶습니다. 죄송합니다.
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