Celebrate 7 Year Debut with Fans, Boyfriend  Fanmeeting Flood Tears
Boyfriend just held a fanmeeting event to celebrate his 7th debut anniversary with fans. The fanmeeting event titled 'Time Capsule' was held by Boyfriend on Saturday (26/05) yesterday in Seoul, South Korea.

In this fanmeeting event, Boyfriend performed songs they had released during their 7-year career, including their debut track in 2011 entitled 'Boyfriend'.

The fans started crying when Boyfriend played the first winning video in the music program since its debut with the song 'Witch'. But not quite there, fans' sadness grew after Boyfriend's new song 'Sunshower'.

While performing the song, Youngmin, Jeongmin, and Donghyun cry and can not sing their part. Seeing the many fans who also cried, Donghyun said, "It's hard to find a face that is not crying."

At the end of the concert, Boyfriend promised to be comeback soon and stay always with fans forever. (www.onkpop.com)

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