This Korean Singer Was Caught Plagiarism SHINee's Song 'View'
The singer with the stage name Owlpemy has received criticism from netizens after being caught using some of SHINee's songs for his song. Through Owlpemy's '1 Hour', netizens noticed that there was a part that sounded very similar to the song 'View'.

Precisely at 00.47 to 01.00, Owlpemy sings a similar tone to the SHINee song which was released in 2015. Determine the actions of the singer received criticism, but not a few also laughed at the sound quality and song '1 Hour' which is far below SHINee's 'View'.

You can compare the part of Owlpemy's song '1 Hour' which is considered plagiarism SHINee's 'View' at 00.23 to 00.37 from the video below. (


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