Called a genius, BTS' RM Answer's When Asked About Politics Amazed Netizens - - Breaking K-pop News, Videos, Photos and Celebrity Gossip

Oct 4, 2020

Called a genius, BTS' RM Answer's When Asked About Politics Amazed Netizens

Called a genius, BTS' RM Answer's When Asked About Politics Amazed Netizens
Called a genius, BTS' RM answer when asked about politics amazed netizens The new BTS has wowed fans as well as netizens with their views on politics.

In an interview with Variety magazine, BTS talked about many things including about politics and how they share with ARMY (as BTS fans) as well as the goals of the Grammys they have expressed.

As is well known, “Dynamite” became the first English single to deliver BTS to the top of Billboard's HOT 100 chart, where they became the first Korean artists to occupy the position. When talking about politics, Suga said that they do not want to be considered political by commenting,

“I don't consider ourselves political. We are not trying to send extravagant messages. We will see ARMY as a conduit for our voice or our opinion. ARMYs express their own initiative, and we always respect their opinions, because we respect the opinions of others."

On the contrary, RM has his own opinion on politics by saying that actions speak louder than words.

"We are not political figures, but as they say, everything ends up becoming political. Even pebbles can become politics,” said the leader of BTS.

Because of this answer, RM received a lot of attention not only from fans but also among netizens who were amazed to think of him as a genius.

"I really respect him," 

"Namjoon is really cool, our leader," 

"I'm not a fan but I feel he's very smart and hardworking," 

"He's a genius, a leader who raised BTS," 

"He's much younger than me, but I really respect him" and many other comments. (

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