Song Hye Kyo Will Sue The Spreaders Of Fake Rumors About Her - - Breaking K-pop News, Videos, Photos and Celebrity Gossip

Jul 25, 2019

Song Hye Kyo Will Sue The Spreaders Of Fake Rumors About Her

Song Hye Kyo Will Sue The Spreaders Of Fake Rumors About Her
Song Hye Kyo said she would sue anyone who spread false rumors about her divorce from Song Joong Ki. A few days ago Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo were officially divorced by the Seoul Family Court.

Now on Thursday (07/25), the UAA agency announced that they would take legal action for anyone who spread fake rumors that could destroy Song Hye Kyo's image.

As the agency said, "As of today, UAA has filed a lawsuit against several individuals who spread hate content on charges of defamation, slander, and spreading false rumors."

"As soon as we take evidence of posts in the community, comments, YouTube content, etc. that continue to defame our artists, we plan to file additional criminal complaints against the individuals involved. We plan to continue strict legal actions without mercy,"

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