Considered Too Sexy, Netizens Make Petitions to Banned Black Pink Ads from Indonesian Television
Indonesian Netizens made a petition to boycott Black Pink ads from television. Fans must have known that lately Shopee is displaying advertisements starring Black Pink members on Indonesian television.

But lately these advertisements have sparked controversy among Indonesians, because Black Pink members' clothes are considered too sexy and unfit to be displayed on television, especially to underage audiences.

The controversy then led to a petition made by an Indonesian netizen on site. Through the petition, they requested to the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission prohibit the display of Shopee advertisements on Indonesian television.

Below is a quote from the text listed in the petition on the site:
"A group of women with mediocre clothes. What kind of unconscious value would you like to instill in children with such adorable and indulgent advertisements? The clothes worn don't even cover the thighs. Movement and expression are provocative. It is far from reflecting the values ​​of civilized Pancasila.

    Shopee ads that use the South Korean group Blackpink are often played on children's programs. One children's film even contains this ad every few minutes like the Tayo Film on RTV, Friday (7/12). What message do you want to put on the white souls? That lifting clothes up high with tempting glances will bring them worldwide? That objectification of the female body is legitimate?

    Where is the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) protection for the next generation? We understand that the concept of watershed is difficult to apply in broadcasting hours in Indonesia so there is no limitation on when hours of special events for children, when there are special adult events. However, at least the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission can regulate the types of advertisements that are aired on children's programs.

    We demand that the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission prohibit the display of Shopee advertisements and other advertisements on Indonesian television, whether on paid TV stations or not. We demand that Shopee stop their adverts on social media channels.

    We encourage Indonesian parents to do the following:

    1. Give pressure to Indonesian Broadcasting Commission through the complaint sheet;

    2. Boycotting Shopee - along Shopee still uses mischievous advertisements - for the sake of the future of the next generation. "
Until the time this article was written, the petition had received more than 50 thousand Indonesian netizens' signatures. (

Considered Too Sexy, Netizens Make Petitions to Banned Black Pink Ads from Indonesian Television

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