Goo Hara's Sex Videos Become the Hotest Search on Google Sites - - Breaking K-pop News, Videos, Photos and Celebrity Gossip

Oct 8, 2018

Goo Hara's Sex Videos Become the Hotest Search on Google Sites

Goo Hara's Sex Videos Become the Hotest Search on Google Sites
Goo Hara's sex video became one of the hottest searches on the Google site. Previously the public was horrified by the news that the former lover of Goo Hara had threatened to reveal their sex tape videos.

After the news circulated everywhere, many netizens searched the video through Google search sites, even though the original video was never uploaded by her ex-boyfriend.

It was recently revealed that "Goo Hara Video" was the hottest keyword on the Google Korea site on October 4. These keywords have been searched 200 thousand times in just one day.

Responding to this, many netizens claimed to be disappointed with the actions of unscrupulous netizens who tried to find Goo Hara's sex tape video which is certainly an illegal video. Moreover, the video has been used by her ex-boyfriend to threaten Goo Hara.

Recently, lawyers from her ex-boyfriend have revealed their request to make peace with Goo Hara. (

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